

副警长凯夫在塔拉哈西长大,毕业于戈德比高中,之后就读于托马斯大学,获得刑事司法学士学位. Furthering his education, Ron拥有佛罗里达州立大学政治学硕士学位, 西佛罗里达大学刑事司法管理硕士学位, 西佛罗里达大学公共管理硕士学位, 并获得弗吉尼亚大学公共安全领导硕士证书.  他毕业于佛罗里达州执法部门高级领导和首席执行官项目, and the FBI National Academy, 289年会议. 罗恩作为一名兼职教授,积极为学术界做出贡献,教授政治学和刑事司法课程,并就刑事司法相关的各种主题进行了演讲, public policy and administration, the Florida Legislature, 政治科学.  


除了是一名认证的执法人员和一名认证的惩教人员, 罗恩持有一般主题的刑事司法教员证书, 枪支, 防守战术, and vehicle operations. 自1995年以来,他曾在州和地方刑事司法机构担任各种职务, with roles including dispatcher, investigator (internal affairs and criminal), 副警长, 中尉, 队长, 主要的, chief over field and statewide operations, 导演, 警长助理, 以及参谋长. 


在加入LCSO之前, 罗恩领导国家执法负责人协会,担任其任期最长的主席(2010-2015)。. His record of professional leadership includes service on the File Review Committee and Team Leader for the Commission for Florida 执法 认证; the 执法 Regional Training Trust Fund Board (chair); Domestic Violence Task Force (chair); the Florida Criminal Justice Training Center Directors Association; the Governor’s Council on Integrity and Efficiency; the Florida Marine Intelligence Unit (president); and as an executive board member for Keep Tallahassee-利县 Beautiful. Ron还曾担任佛罗里达州执法部门刑事司法执行研究所政策委员会的任命成员. Ron currently serves on the Tallahassee 社区 College, Criminal Justice Advisory Committee, 选择塔拉哈西的董事会和大弯人类栖息地的董事会.   


Ron此前曾担任佛罗里达彩票安全和执法主管, overseeing the security and law enforcement functions, 确保佛罗里达州当时价值近70亿美元的彩票系统的完整性.  在这个位置, 罗恩担任佛罗里达州彩票的紧急协调官(ECO)和运营连续性协调员(COOP),负责规划, 组织, 并指导佛罗里达州彩票执法部门的所有活动.






Affiliations (current and past)

· Executive Board of Directors, Habitat for Humanity 

· Executive Board of Directors选择塔拉哈西

·  旋转,塔拉哈西

·  顾问委员会成员,塔拉哈西 社区 College, Criminal Justice Programs 

·  顾问委员会成员, Florida Department of 执法,

    Executive Institute Policy Board 

·  总统, State 执法 主管协会 

·  委员会成员,佛罗里达警察认证联盟,档案审查委员会 

·  委员会成员, Joint Task Force-State 执法 Radio System 

·  董事会秘书国家野生动物州际契约管理委员会 

·  总统, Florida Marine Intelligence Unit 

·  主席, Florida Department of 执法, Region XV Trust Fund 

·  主教练, 社区 Junior Softball Team  

·  成员, Florida Department of 执法, Region XV Trust Fund 

·  成员佛罗里达刑事司法培训中心主任协会 

·  2nd and 3rd Vice 总统, Conference Chair and Awards Chair, State 执法       


·  副主席, Florida Department of 执法, Region XV Trust Fund 

·  主席, Domestic Violence Task Force 

·  成员, Florida Department of 执法, Region XV Trust Fund 

·  Executive Board 成员, Keep Tallahassee-利县 Beautiful  


  Awards and Recognition 

·  Tallahassee 社区 College, 执法 Hall of Fame Inductee

·  North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries, Lottery Employee “Making a     

    Difference” Recognition

· Executive Office of the Governor,赞扬

· 佛罗里达内阁特别决议

·  Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, 社区 Involvement Award

· Employer Support of Guard and Reserve, Above and Beyond Award

·  Key West Police Department, Chief of Police Certificate of Appreciation

· Commission for Florida 执法 认证, Assessor of the Year

· Criminal Justice Training Center Directors Association、成就奖 

· Department of Environmental Protection, Secretary Commendation

·  Department of Environmental Protection, Man年龄r of the Year Award

·  Commission for Florida 执法 认证,赞扬

· Department of Environmental Protection, Director of 执法 Commendation

· Punta Gorda Police Department, Chief of Police Certificate of Appreciation

· Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Director’s Certificate of Appreciation 

· Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Chief’s Commendation

· State 执法 主管协会, 总统 Commendation

· 戴维斯的生产力,赞扬

·  Florida Office of Drug Control, Certificate of Appreciation

·  Florida Statewide Prevention,赞扬

·  税务局, Office of Inspector General, Special Recognition Award

·  Department of Corrections,典狱长嘉许状

·  Department of Correction、救生奖

·  Tallahassee Police Department, Police Service and Life Saving Award
