Chief of Staff Argatha Gilmore

政府 - Chief of Staff

Dr. Argatha Rigby-Gilmore was reared in Indian River County, Florida.  她毕业于维罗海滩高中和印第安河社区学院. From Florida State University, 她获得了犯罪学学士学位(1980年)和注册公共经理证书(2001年)。.  此外,她还拥有佛罗里达大学社会科学和公共管理硕士学位&M University (1991).  Dr. Gilmore is a graduate of the FBI National Academy, Session #214 (2003) and a graduate of Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government State & Local Executive Program (2002).  她于2010年成功完成了佛罗里达州执法部门首席执行官培训. On March 23, 2018, Dr. Gilmore获得Regent University战略领导远见博士学位. She is married to Thomas Franklin Gilmore.

Dr. Gilmore is also active in her community and in her church.  她是沃森圣殿机构教会在基督(COGIC)下的牧师博士的奉献和忠实的成员. Donald E. 谢泼德.   她曾担任沃森寺传教委员会主席数年.   她被任命为沃森邓波儿妇女部门的负责人. 谢泼德 on October 8, 2017.

Dr. 1984年8月31日,吉尔摩在塔拉哈西警察局开始了他的执法生涯. She was promoted to Sergeant on June 1, 1991 and supervised several squads in the 统一的巡逻 Division.  On June 13, 1996, Dr. 吉尔摩被提升为中尉,在社区服务部门担任值班指挥官和行政中尉.

Dr. 吉尔摩一开始在巡逻时是阿尔法区指挥官,她和她的警官们在那里遇到了毒品, 卖淫, andother criminal actions.  另外, 她为塔拉哈西的大学生和他们的社会活动提供警察服务和执法, including assisting victims of crimes, apprehending suspects, and forming partnerships within the universities. On December 10, 1998, Dr. Gilmore被提升为上尉,随后担任各种管理职位. 她在塔拉哈西警察局工作了25年后退休.

2009年9月28日,Lake City市长Argatha Gilmore宣誓就职. Under her leadership, 该部门恢复了其作为佛罗里达州认可执法机构的地位.

On December 3, 2021, Dr. 吉尔摩宣誓就任利昂县警长办公室助理警长, becoming the first African American female to do so.

Dr. Gilmore’s accomplishments and memberships include:

A recipient of the 2002 Black Achievers’ Award from the NAACP
A past member of the Southside Rotary Club of Tallahassee
Past President of the Third Circuit Police Chiefs Association
Former District 16 Director of The Florida Police Chiefs Association
佛罗里达州城市联盟前第二区主任:佛罗里达州市政保险信托基金- leap(法律)
Enforcement Advisory Panel)
被总检察长办公室任命为佛罗里达州黑人社会地位委员会的董事会成员 & Boys, formerly serving as 2nd Vice President
10月11日, 2018年:获得美国革命女儿协会(DAR)爱德华·拉特里奇分会颁发的美国历史女性奖, 佛罗里达州莱克城

Current memberships include:

Consultant for Partnership for Strong Families
On the international level, Dr. 吉尔摩在加拿大、巴西和非洲约翰内斯堡的事工之旅中,影响了许多人的生命.

最重要的是, 她是一个充满信心的女人,她奉献了自己的生命来服侍她的主和救主耶稣基督!
